Moisture Retention

The application of a specialist wetting agent to manage and maintain moisture

Wetting Agents

Wetting agents are a type of surfactant, like detergent, that attracts water to the soil surface and help it soak in. These fantastic products can help you use water more effectively and efficiently, which is great not just for your lawn but for the environment, and your pocket too.

What is hydrophobic soil?

Hydrophobic (literally “water-hating”) soils are those that repel water. These soils cause water to run off or pool at the surface rather than being absorbed, which can cause serious problems for your lawn. It is a common problem in sandy or older soils, and can also affect soils that haven’t been watered or fertilised regularly.

How do I tell if my soil needs a wetting agent?

The best way to tell if you need a wetting agent added to the soil is simply to pour water onto a few areas. If it doesn’t soak up quickly, the soil is likely hydrophobic.

How do I fix hydrophobic soil?

Wetting agents can be used regularly on your garden and lawn to solve the problem of hydrophobic soil. Wetting agents act as a detergent to reduce the surface tension of the water, thereby helping it soak into the soil.

Wetting agents come in both granular and liquid forms. Granular wetting agents are best for established lawns and pre-lawn installation applied through a spreader as they can be mixed into the soil. Liquid wetting agents can also be used on existing lawns. For liquid wetting agents, we use a hose attached bottle product, then we simply attach it to a hose and water the product in.

For liquid/granular wetting agents, we recommend that aeration be carried out prior to application.

Contact Mark and Asa at LawnCraft for a personalised quote.

The average monthly subscription based on a 50sqm lawn starts from £12 per month.