Red Thread

What Is Red Thread And How Do You Treat It?

The disease red thread is caused by a fungus that lives in your turf. All turf has this fungus in it, it is one of the thousands of fungi that live in turf. Normally, you do not see the fungus or the disease it causes, but it may appear during conditions of high humidity or wetness.

At first, you will notice small patches of your grass leaves turning tan coloured or dying. If you look closely at the leaves, you will notice that they will turn tan, starting at the tips. Fortunately only the leaves are killed, and the turf can grow new ones.

A day or so after you see the tan patches, and if the weather stays humid or wet, you will see bright red threads in the patches. You are looking at the fungus. Most people recognise fungi because they produce mushrooms or toadstools, but the red thread fungus produces threads of red material. These fragile red threads can be moved by water, shoes, and lawnmowers, and thus spread the fungus.

Red thread attacks ryegrass faster than other types of turf, but because it primarily attacks the leaves, it is generally controllable using some simple guidelines. Red thread is more serious on turf that is not being cared for. It can kill patches of your turf if it is allowed to develop for weeks at a time. It attacks all of the grass species grown for turf in the U.K.

How to treat and control read thread in your lawn?

To control red thread, fertilise your lawn with high nitrogen, but balanced fertiliser. Red thread occurs more frequently in undernourished turf. We can also apply a fungicide treatment too if necessary.

  1. Red thread is an indicator of low nutrition, especially nitrogen
  2. The first approach should prevent this situation from applying adequate nitrogen fertiliser as part of a programmed approach
  3. Apply the correct fertiliser according to turf situation and height of cut
  4. Aerate soil to encourage good root growth
  5. Select resistance grass cultivars
  6. Overwatering can also be a cause of red thread

Just remember red thread develops in lawns that are poor in quality or generally receive too little fertiliser. Manage your turf properly, and red thread will not be a common problem for you.


Take a look at our pages on Leatherjackets and Chafer Grubs too.

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