Lawn Soil Samples

Soil Sampling & Why you need it

Carrying out a soil sample analysis for your lawn will tell us exactly what nutrients may be lacking.

Applying the soils exact nutrient requirements will help to establish newly laid turf and lawns faster. It also helps to re-establish tired turf re-activating growth and promoting grass health.

A soil analysis means we only apply what your soil needs – saving time and wasted product.

Why is it important to take soil samples?

The biggest benefit of soil testing is it provides us with your soils pH and measures the availability of soil minerals and nutrients. Healthy soil equals healthy lawns and plants. The most important test we look for in a soil test is the pH level.

So what exactly is soil pH and what does it measure?

Soil pH is the measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of your soil. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral.  A pH above 7 indicates alkaline soil and below 7 indicates acid soil. Lawns prefer a slightly acid soil 5.8 to 6.5.

Why is this important to know?

When your soil has low pH say around 5.5 it means you have acid soil, between 40% to 50% of fertiliser is unavailable to your lawn because the plant can’t absorb the needed nutrients/minerals.  Half of your fertiliser is going to waste and your lawn will not hold its colour.

That means you will not have a thick lush green lawn when spring arrives!

Contact Mark and Asa at LawnCraft for a personalised quote.

The average monthly subscription based on a 50sqm lawn starts from £12 per month.