Topdressing & Over-seeding

Topdressing & Over-seeding a lawn

Topdressing a lawn is a process of spreading a thin layer of material such as appropriate soil material or sand over the grass.

This practice has been observed since golf was first invented in Scotland and is gaining popularity with homeowners looking for organic lawn care strategies.

When the soil under your grass starts to lose its nutrients, or it’s a new lawn that isn’t doing well, pulling all of the grass up to amend it isn’t a feasible option.

Topdressing is a simpler, albeit still challenging, way to see the following benefits in your lawn.

  1. Add organic matter to the topsoil, improving poor soil by enhancing its productivity
  2. Build up beneficial soil microbes
  3. Reduce thatch
  4. Smooth out uneven patches to produce a smooth surface

One of the first and most important steps is deciding what type of topdressing material you should use. To be effective and advantageous it needs to be similar in texture to the underlying soil. Choosing the wrong material can create serious problems.

That’s why we use topsoil supplied from British sugar topsoils. (As their soil covers all aspects to help your lawn)

(British Sugar TOPSOIL is derived from prime arable soils, delivered with the sugar beet to our factories. Because of this, we are able to offer you a true, clean, safe consistent, traceable TOPSOIL. British Sugar TOPSOIL is not screened ‘Muck Away’.)

Once we have successfully top-dressed your lawn, now it’s time to be patient, as it can take a few seasons to see the full benefits. When done correctly you will see improvements in drainage, water retention, etc. quickly but it takes time for the microbes to start working and the organic matter to begin breaking down.

Overseeding your lawn is an essential maintenance practice meant to produce a beautifully lush lawn. It’s a common lawn-care task to complete when your lawn turns thin, brown, and patchy. It typically entails spreading grass seed onto your current lawn to fill the gaps and bare spots within the lawn.

The best times to overseed your lawn is around April and September but if you are happy to water your lawn it can be carried out throughout the season.

Overseeding guarantees you a thicker lawn. A dense lawn of grass effectively holds soil and water in place, reducing run-off. This improves your lawn’s health by allowing it to contain moisture and nutrients.

If you Looking to increase your lawn’s thickness? Overseeding does just that by increasing the fullness of thinner lawns.

Seeding new seeds over your existing lawn with correct watering will help fill in gaps. This will give your home the lushest stretch of green it’s ever had. Thick and robust lawns are more durable.

Seeds that thrive well in your lawn provide disease resistance and demand minimal watering, which are beneficial options to look for.

By using the right grass seeds, you’ll be able to grow a lawn that’s not only healthy and vibrant but also fights pests and disease.

Contact Mark and Asa at LawnCraft for a personalised quote.

The average monthly subscription based on a 50sqm lawn starts from £12 per month.